Paweł Bąk


About me

Here you can learn something about me and topics which I like!
Authors face

Hey! I'm Paweł Bąk, and I am currently a Computer Science student at the University of Warmia and Mazury. My passion for computers started when I was a kid, watching my big brother play video games. That sparked my interest right away, especially when I discovered the level editor in Age of Empires and Heroes of Might and Magic 3. I would create and script many different levels for my brother, friends, and me to play on.

After that, I moved on to making level for Source Games using the Hammer SDK and started "real" coding myself. My first language was C++, and I loved it from the beginning. Unfortunately, I did not spend as much time coding as I would have liked. After graduating from Middle School and starting high school in the field of IT technician., my interest in programming arose again, especially in PHP.

Right now, I love developing with Laravel and have started learning Unity again, where I am working on my Engineering Thesis. I take an interest in many different topics, like Urban Planning, Transportation, History, and, of course, coding!

Career and education

My professional experience, and education


  • 2023 - Present, Programming Tutor at Giganci Programowania


  • 2021 - Present, University of Warmia and Mazury: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  • 2017 - 2021 (FINISHED), Zespół Szkół Techniczno-Informatycznych w Elblągu: IT Technician


This is a short list of my current projects! You can check them out by hovering or by clicking on them!

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